GWhale: Get GWhale! Cool Killer Whale pet that goes and fetches that song 4 u!


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Project Information

About this project:

This is the GWhale project ("gwhale4android", "gwhale")

This project is hosted by The project team describes it as:

Great application for downloading those songs you had and always wanted to listen again. It has a huge database ( as big as Grooveshark or Spotify ) for you to search and find what you are looking for! Versions older than 3.0.0 have been deprecated.

About is the world's largest provider of hosting for Open Source software development projects. provides a variety of services to projects, including a download mirror network, code hosting (like Git, Mercurial, and Subversion), and tools to support discussion and support. These services are provided to projects and their end-users free-of-charge.

About Open Source:

Of benefit to users, Open Source software is licensed so you can download and use the software free-of-charge. The source code for this software is made available free-of-charge, you (or a programmer you hire) can make changes to this software to better meet your needs, and you can release your changed code back to the community passing the benefit on to other users.

The exact license terms used by this project on their project summary page and in the licensing documents included in their downloads.


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